Mike Trout MVp 2019 American League signature shirt

First, let me start by saying that I LOVED the 1st three books in this series. I couldn't put them down and finished all 3 in just over 2 days. Naturally, I immediately picked up the fourth book (I'm a latecomer and bought all 4 at once) and again was sucked right in. The fourth book is subdivided into 3 smaller "Books" - Human Bella, Jacob, and Vampire Bella. As a Mike Trout MVp 2019 American League signature shirt woman (and a mother) I love hearing the story from Bella's point of view. The 1st "book" (Human Bella) was fantastic. All of the tension is full-filled with a fantasy wedding and a romantic honeymoon that quickly leads to conflict and tragedy again. YESSSS! Then the disappointing stuff rears it's the ugly head. Jacob's book is, of course, written from his point of view. The male point of view is not one of Myers's strong points. This section is the longest in the book and is eatery to set up the ending but it just seems to drag ...