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There is the man’s truth, the officers truth and the German Shepherd Flower Shirt truth in between the two. It will show when the thug used his left arm to hit the cop. Seems to be par for the course that people who don’t have all the facts, think they are good enough to Judge other people.What gets me is that the police never go to jail for abusing their power. The super rich and police are above the law what great benefits cops have! Act a fool and get a PAID vacation! Where do I sign up. That's weird. They are just high school bullies who found a legal way to continue being a bully. Well that's their job now there are no simple arrest anymore because of the officers truth and the German Shepherd Flower Shirt and disrespect for law enforcement by the thugs that will not be arrested without a beat down .I do not excuse police abuse, but can't say this guy didn't get what he had coming to him. Not sure why people want to be police anymore, law breakers try to kill them and Liberals think the police should never be rough with criminal or they will publicly prosecute them on social media.
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