This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy it here:Butterfly my mom was so amazing God made her an angel shirt

From : Shop funny T-shirt Butterfly my mom was so amazing God made her an angel shirt
It is so horrible that these victims had to wait 30 40 years for vindication! Most of these cases are that old. I wonder why in some cases the abuse went on as long as it did but realize the victims were psychologically damaged.Many of the clergy accused are dead now but I hope this gives the victims some peace that they were finally heard and believed.This is unacceptable and even more unacceptable for the Butterfly my mom was so amazing God made her an angel shirt leaders to cover it up hope they are prosecuted and never serve again I mean who didn't see this coming? This was one of my very first points about separating children from parents. I'm sure there will be 100 of child molestation stories after it's all said and done.Child predators don't deserve bond! They deserve general population and child molester tattooed on their foreheads!My thought? Any money should be donated to the Butterfly my mom was so amazing God made her an angel shirt shelters. Where were they when Mom was broke and sleeping on the streets? They should not be allowed to profit from her death in any way, shape or form. An innocent woman was killed and ya'll are blaming the family because she was in that situation? The family didn't pull that trigger.another white girl gets unlimited news coverage? What about the black girl Makiyah Wilson who was shot in D.C


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