This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck t-shirt for men and women.
>> You can buy here: Little blessing shirt
From : Shop funny T-shirt

Please leave the man alone and let him do whatever it takes to get these people under control. Wow not right officer fault no they do the job we need change law bad behavior from black.Maybe don't appear combative by slapping at an officer's hand in the future. My only regret is that some of the Little blessing shirt missed.They should all quit & find jobs in a city where they'll be appreciated.We should be thankful that anyone in this day and age would become a police officer.If police are just going around beating on any helpless person why would they want to damage their hands why not carry something to hit them with.Their is obvious more to this story and I hope people will be prosecuted for trying to incite riots and this mayor needs to keep her mouth shut until she gets the the Little blessing shirt story. Once again someone wants to disregard what cops say and think they can slap a cops hand away
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