Suicide Prevention be here tomorrow sunflower shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women.

I feel that the evidence is staring us in the face. I will never understand people who ignore the obvious. Lets get this straight, all you republicans think this report is either going to be about obama and hillary or it'll show that donald trump is the finest person ever or it's garbage or you just don't want the truth to be told because you like the lies you've been hearing from the idiot in chief. You do realize how moronic you all sound, right. Walt Jarvis doesn’t be so sure about that. Trump gets others to do his dirty work for him. All the Suicide Prevention be here tomorrow sunflower shirt going on this administration is a disgrace to america. Trump should be locked away for a very long time. He knew what was going on. If you believe him i guess we can sell you george washington bridge. Walt jarvis they only listen to cnn they really need to watch c-span videos of congress hearings it would open their eyes and they would realize they’ve been lied to for over 2 years  pat daubitz nicoll watch c-span the congress hearings they are being investigated and how does he act guilty and what would be-be guilty of.


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