Trumprechaun Make St.Patrick’s day Great Again sparkle shirt
This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women.
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Glen Smith pretty much. They accuse the LGBTQ community of being pawns in his crusade against Iran Emily burns Dunlap, apparently, some people didn’t read the article or just don’t have the capability to do so. Imo trump has no ill will towards the LGBT community and this shows that. He banned transgenders from the military, not for budget reasons but because he wants to appease his stupid evangelical base Donald ambrose transgenders are not the same as gay people. the Trumprechaun Make St.Patrick’s day Great Again sparkle shirt Gay people do a task for special accommodations they don’t need medications to help with their transition and they certainly don’t ask for the government to pay for all of their medications or procedures. It’s insulting comparing the 2, Matthew Basham, yes it does. We need people who can defend our country, not just there for medical benefits. He is only doing this hoping for the votes of the gay community.because he knows he won't get the black or Latino vote.
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