I WORKOUT TO KEEP UP WITH MY VIZSLA SHIRT You have to admire Mr Bean for the I Workout to keep up with my Vizsla shirt he wears a suit everywhere he goes, even at home. The guy's got class. Wait no more cause Mr Bean's coming your way next on Disney Chance. I swear I thought this character couldn't get any more creepy and then they made him into 4. Thank you so much as an adult i don't have as much time to see stuff i was scared it was going yo get cancel i watched every episode they have on Netflix. Might even get the cartoon network app. Good. This is such a good show, way better than Steven, I watch this stuff with my kid then I show her the better stuff like Rocko. KINDA HAVE BABY FEVER KINDA THINK I HAVE TOO MANY KIDS ALREADY SHIRT DEMOLITION MAN WHAT SEEMS TO BE YOUR BOGGLE SHIRT GEORGE WASHINGTON GEORGE SLOSHINGTON VINTAGE SHIRT DOGS MAKE ME HAPPY YOU NOT SO MUCH SHIRT QUESTION OF WOMEN WHO SUP...