Star Trek Characters in ship shirt
Star Trek Characters in ship shirt I’m surprised liberals haven’t called to ban mascots, and ARMY being allowed on school grounds, and kids taking a few minutes away from their lefty indoctrination to enjoy themselves for a bit. In other related news Cadet Bone Spurs still has five military draft deferments and one Purple Heart earned the easy way. Thought you military Trumpers would like to know. I think it’s unfortunate that the media continues to describe this individual as a whistleblower, an honorific that this individual most certainly does not deserve. Former House Intelligence Chair Mike Rogers told CNN that President Donald Trump’s tweets attacking the whistleblower and current Intel Chair Adam Schiff showed the president “flailing.” bless you and many Thanks for your service. Beautiful! It never gets old! I tear up and love it! God Bless Mom and the daughter so glad they are Happy and Healthy!

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