Star Trek Characters in ship shirt
Just another example of California being California. Rampant homelessness, record-high taxes, greatest wealth gap, and the state legislature is jacking around with college football?!?! What kind of insanity must reign there for these fools to be elected? running backs and receivers will get the most $, lineman not so much eh. Star Trek Characters in ship shirt 12 will be loaded, all teams will be in the top 10, one way to beat Bama, Clemson, Okla, and Ohio st governor. So who needs college now? Too bad all those tutors, you know, the ones doing homework for the players, will now be unemployed. Remember who he is, y’all. Not a scholar, or an athlete. Pretty much a rich guy who has enough money that it allows him to voice his opinions wherever and whenever. How would the affect the NCAA? This law is allowing the players to profit off their likeness? The few who will make dough compared to the thousands who won’t ruin college sports. can still deny status to any and all players who break their rules. If Cali teams were not able to play, the state would cave.

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