
Showing posts from December, 2019

Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 Iowa Hawkeyes shirt

Count on religion to discuss morality. I think that’s called the  H oliday Bowl Champions 2019 Iowa Hawkeyes shirt  irony. I’ve seen some pretty immoral religious folks and some pretty moral religious ones. Totally awesome on every level. Islamic fascism never fails to disappoint. A superstitious belief system from the dark ages is just what the world needs more of it. A clear case of living in a glass house and daring to throw the first stone. Karma must have decided, to chase someone really good, and catch his hands down. Have a missed anyone being disappointed in Busch Light. Because I certainly am.  Nipsey Hussle Ownership is everything Own your mind shirt Jimi Hendrix Legends never die signature shirt Iowa Hawkeyes Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 signature shirt Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 Iowa Hawkeyes shirt Bullmastiff Dog Mom yes he is my child I love him shirt Boston Terrier Dog Mom yes he is my child I love him shirt Border Collie Dog Mom yes he i...

Iowa Hawkeyes Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 signature shirt

The Bible says l give  Iowa Hawkeyes Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 signature shirt powers to trample on snakes and scorpions. Now, you ask a blessing from something you have power over. Let’s develop some sense In my culture of Acholi we don’t accord this as a sign of rain but a true threat too if this deadly giant python emerges out of its hideout. We should be much more concerned about that. It is more concerning but we have less ability to fight it on an individual basis anyway. Unless you are Greta Thunberg, the 16-year-old from Sweden. warnings will be sent to the entire community to take care of their livestock and in the end, we kill it off. Snakes are demonic and never revered in my culture  Nipsey Hussle Ownership is everything Own your mind shirt Jimi Hendrix Legends never die signature shirt Iowa Hawkeyes Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 signature shirt Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 Iowa Hawkeyes shirt Bullmastiff Dog Mom yes he is my child I love him shirt ...

Jimi Hendrix Legends never die signature shirt

I feel so sorry for that poor lovey animal for many reasons first of  Jimi Hendrix Legends never die signature shirt all being in captivity second human beings destroying it’s Forest, but most of all at this point that has to live in Florida the number one nut capital of the love. but unfortunately, it’s a little too late something should’ve been done 20years ago. We’ve already passed the point of no return too much damage has already been done. I did litter picking when I was younger. They belong to the same taxonomic family as us Hominidae hominids, and orangutans are among the smartest. So she, and the rest of them, do deserve human rights. There are humans fighting to get rights and the systems are dealing with this rot. It’s when you get older things become harder yeh I do my bit I recycle when I can and take showers but everyday life is hard and moves too quick for the working family.   Nipsey Hussle Ownership is everything Own your mind shirt Jimi Hendrix...

The West Is not Enough Division Champions San Francisco 49ers shirt

Deep down they know none of the other candidates have  The West Is not Enough Division Champions San Francisco 49ers shirt  any credibility or chance to get their party’s nomination. They are about to get what they deserve, total humiliation, and it’s well deserved. He will never be President of the United States. He’s been a politician for almost half a century and hasn’t done a thing to benefit the citizens of the US. What makes you think he’ll do anything now. Speaking of being dead wrong on everything across. Former Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said in 2014 that Joe Biden has been wrong on every major foreign policy issue and national security issue in the last forty years. And he said in 2019 that he stands by his statement. Biden’s 1st day, 2nd day, 3rd and on and on would be like, absolutely nothing but political posing, talking about doin’ something, meeting someone, talking some more and nada much after. This is because he is a POLITICIAN, not a man tha...

Iowa Hawkeyes Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 Players signature shirt

Democrats are worse than banks. The  Iowa Hawkeyes Holiday Bowl Champions 2019 Players signature shirt  polls say Biden is way ahead of Trump so is Bernie and Warren, I’m not sure what those polls were but I sure wasn’t asked to participate in them, was anyone else. As I’m typing this I’m trying not to laugh at the absurdity as this sounds. None of the 10 left have a snowball chance of winning, they need to stop wasting the American people’s time. what the word of a Biden says the president is wrong now that’s a shocker coming from the word of a Biden, say it ain’t so shoeless joe did your family become rich off of you being the November girl I am who I am I have tattoos Pretty eyes thick thighs and cuss too much and really pathetic that the Democratic Party has begged this man into their attempt to regain the Presidency.  Filters   Default sorting   Sort by popularity   Sort by average rating   Sort by latest   Sor...

Baby Yoda hug San Jose Sharks shirt

And Trump ending creepy joes favorite scam that  Baby Yoda hug San Jose Sharks shirt  was making him, has got to be implemented again so that last mansion creepy joe has is paid in full before he starts the building of another mansion or buys another Jet to travel over to the sex island that creepy joe goes to grope and have sex with little girls, that he can’t stop groping even in public in front of cameras doesn’t seem to be any dumber than the other Democrat contenders. America will be toast unless we find some way to raise the next generation of youth in a responsible and educated way. Lazy and improperly raised children will grow up to be democrats. All these items use every fund grabbing global scheme. Whether it would be climate the UN or anywhere. They would fund as a smokescreen and get rich every time they donate our money.  Nipsey Hussle Ownership is everything Own your mind shirt Jimi Hendrix Legends never die signature shirt Iowa Hawkeyes Holida...

Nipsey Hussle Ownership is everything Own your mind shirt

On average, China builds 2 new coal power plants per  Nipsey Hussle Ownership is everything Own your mind shirt  month with a long term plan of between 300 and 500 new coal power plants by 2030. Where’s Joe Biden and every other Libtard on that issue. Trump knows more than ‘all the scientists in the history of the world’ and knows everything about the non-effects of climate change, he certainly made a fool of himself with respect to Hurricane Dorian. From never having heard of a Category 5 strength hurricane despite 3 of them have occurred on his watch to predicting that Alabama was in the path of Hurricane Dorian and then doubling up on his stupid and ignorant claim, he uses his personalized Sharpie in an attempt to justify his lies. Talk about Joe Biden. didn’t quite get enough money for his last mansion on the last scam.   Sale! QUICK VIEW TRENDING Nipsey Hussle Ownership is everything Own your mind shirt $ 24.99   $ 2...