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 A place of worship is and has always been covered with prayers before anyone steps into the foyer of auditorium. I have spent many years in helping at these events, So I know what happens. Not many actually. Protesters in general wear masks. Look up the Bristol Motor Speedway Food City Dirt Race Charcoal 2021 shirt. Just sounds like an ignorant response. Satanist won’t see this. They will bring fake claims. Is the protest more orderly than church? Shame to fake news CNN and blind followers.How many got infected after the rioting CNN? And how many more are getting infected because they continue destroying what they didn’t built? Please, I would like to know and sure other people would like to know tooMaybe the church should pay for the medical expenses, in the name of freedom, of course ! At this point, any large gathering is negligent. You can pray at home, and you can even send your contributions with your phone. There is no excuse! The flu that killed more than 600,000 people worldwide and you want us to believe you’re a doctor and personally diagnosed all the victims. LMAOSame thing with the super spreader in New Rochelle back at the beginning of this nightmare.Wouldn’t shock me in the least if that church didn’t monitor their congregation not wearing masks… 91 people who exposed hundreds of others. It only takes one to affect hundreds. WEAR A MASKJonny Spencer is a bot your last post was January 1, 2018. Shame on you for inciting hate.










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