
Showing posts from December, 2018

Spider ham it can get Weirder shirt

Spider ham it can get Weirder shirt Buy it: Spider ham it can get Weirder shirt From: Shop trending shirt Toni Judware I didn’t hire him to be my pastor . Trump lied , Clinton lied . Name me a politician that hasn’t . Dangerous foreign policies worked well for Obama stooping China from hacking US companies technology , how about stopping North Korea , maybe selling 20% of our uranium to Russia the Spider ham it can get Weirder shirt ? Spider ham it can get Weirder shirt Tell me how many Secretaries of State , Attorney Generals and many other cabinet members who left Obama ? What 1/3 of cabinet positions are open ? Guess Hillary Clinton was a molester , since her close associate admitted to molesting women .

Rowdy Nascar 18 Kyle Busch signature shirt

Rowdy Nascar 18 Kyle Busch signature shirt Buy it: Rowdy Nascar 18 Kyle Busch signature shirt From: Shop trending shirt He has done nothing but improve the Rowdy Nascar 18 Kyle Busch signature shirt everyone on earth. Trump is the true leader the world has needed for a long time. No president in history has accomplished what he has. Be it helping bring peace to the world presiding over one of the healthiest economies Rowdy Nascar 18 Kyle Busch signature shirt we have seen in a century, or just plain keeping the murders out and people safe. Greatest President Ever. Thank-you Mr Trump. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise Jeremy Lytle …voting is your right. Just think before it is too late. Vote for stein? Lmao

Mickey Mouse and Baby Grinch shirt

Mickey Mouse and Baby Grinch shirt Buy it: Mickey Mouse and Baby Grinch shirt From: Shop trending shirt trump know his cult members are a bunch of bird brain havin di&k riding racist. They dont want to understand. to them being broke just feel better if its a orange guy that put the Mickey Mouse and Baby Grinch shirt there Mickey Mouse and Baby Grinch shirt Jerome Monegan now the democrats want a drunk thief in the white house! Makes sense!!Rachel Colander voting against the left is what’s logical. We don’t want the US to become a third world open borders shithole country. The liberals are out of contol.

The Closer Nascar 4 Kenvin Harvcick signature shirt

The Closer Nascar 4 Kenvin Harvcick signature shirt Buy it: The Closer Nascar 4 Kenvin Harvcick signature shirt From: Shop trending shirt 17 scandals, close associates (personal lawyer, campaign head and national security chief) in jail or headed The Closer Nascar 4 Kenvin Harvcick signature shirt can you for voting for someone so amoral and lacking in the ability to lead. He is a loser and it reflects on you. The Closer Nascar 4 Kenvin Harvcick signature shirt Calvin Kirk Yep. I’m not crazy about Pres Trump, but I vehemently oppose Leftism. Jerome Monegan Agree but he destroys not only America but the world!!! Jeremy Lytle watching our county go down the toilet is more important than voting logically?

Stronger Than Hate Fuck Tom Brady Pittsburgh Steelers shirt

Stronger Than Hate Fuck Tom Brady Pittsburgh Steelers shirt Buy it: Stronger Than Hate Fuck Tom Brady Pittsburgh Steelers shirt From: Shop trending shirt Jerome Monegan I love when a dimwit post something ignorant and they can’t back up the Stronger Than Hate Fuck Tom Brady Pittsburgh Steelers shirt thing they say . We call them children . Matt Smith my world is doing great! Trump played an important role in that. Jerome Monegan yes Beto is destroying America . Stronger Than Hate Fuck Tom Brady Pittsburgh Steelers shirt George Gio Defend him without using trump talking points. We are looking at his 7000+ lies, dangerous foreign policy decisions, skeleton staff..a third of his cabinet positions are open, lack of foreign ambassadors, tax plan that helped corporations make record stock buybacks, blind eye to the environment,

Chicago bears NFC North Division Champion 2018 Playoffs shirt

Chicago bears NFC North Division Champion 2018 Playoffs shirt Buy it: Chicago bears NFC North Division Champion 2018 Playoffs shirt From: Shop trending shirt Anyone is better than trump put obama against trump & guess what the Chicago bears NFC North Division Champion 2018 Playoffs shirt guy wins! Ruthann Caudill I know it’s difficult to live in reality, but your base is only 20% of the population.Deborah Durfee wrong, but nice try Chicago bears NFC North Division Champion 2018 Playoffs shirt My Dear Steve, your comment is so Nice and superb… I’ll love to be friend with such a wonderful Guy like you…I’ll really appreciate if you can kindly add me up…God bless you!!

All Heroes Monster Chicago Bears Assemble shirt

All Heroes Monster Chicago Bears Assemble shirt Buy it: All Heroes Monster Chicago Bears Assemble shirt From: Shop trending shirt Trumptards refuse to see how this man is destroying America. Trying to reason with the All Heroes Monster Chicago Bears Assemble shirt is like trying to make a pet rock, understand. Give one example if you are willing to have a rational fact based discussion All Heroes Monster Chicago Bears Assemble shirt You only know destroying through what CNN tells ya. Do you know why right is rising all.over the world ? It’s because everybody tired of liberals . You are the ones destroying it and then pointing at trump.

Ew David retro sunset shirt

Ew David retro sunset shirt Buy it: Ew David retro sunset shirt From: Shop trending shirt Patrick VandenBerg no, we don’t think you hate him, we’re just amazed that anyone still supports him. He is cancer. Deborah Durfee I agree, it’s a cult. The Ew David retro sunset shirt is no reasoning with them. Deborah Durfee yep, it’s a cult. Ew David retro sunset shirt Patrick VandenBerg no, we don’t think you hate him, we’re just amazed that anyone still supports him. He is cancer. Patrick is on the money. We love our President and he will win in 2020. Especially if you put that no good socialist Beto against him

Firefighter WTF Where’s the fire shirt

Firefighter WTF Where’s the fire shirt Buy it: Firefighter WTF Where’s the fire shirt From: Shop trending shirt William Petto then why did he pledge to not accept money from big oil? He lied already. So far the Firefighter WTF Where’s the fire shirt prove he lied and also that he is a loser. He lost . Did he take the money before the pledge? No. You sound like one of those moronic Bernie or Busters, Firefighter WTF Where’s the fire shirt No we’re not…. Not even close. That’s the problem with your side. You think we all hate him because your media darlings say so. It couldn’t be farther from the truth. You will see him get re-elected in 2020 by probably a bigger margin than last time.

West Virginia Wasteland Disney shirt

West Virginia Wasteland Disney shirt Buy it: West Virginia Wasteland Disney shirt From: Shop trending shirt William Petto I don’t know how ? He’s never delivered anything for El Paso . He’s a liar . Jack Mendoza And if he had, you’d call it pork. William Petto he might be eight, definitely not ten the West Virginia Wasteland Disney shirt . Larry Scieancalepor oh look you’re another 10 year old on his mom’s computer. Cute little man. West Virginia Wasteland Disney shirt Patrick Lawless no GREAT, your fat orange pig of an alleged president failed once again in his promises, but his manipulated followers aren’t allowed to see that. Have more Kool Aid

Dead by Daylight death is not an escape shirt

Dead by Daylight death is not an escape shirt Buy it: Dead by Daylight death is not an escape shirt From: Shop trending shirt He has already broken his no fossil fuel pledge by being caught taking money from big oil. Tab Gray You literally can’t get ahead in Texas without the Dead by Daylight death is not an escape shirt . Now he’s entering a different ballgame with different rules. Dead by Daylight death is not an escape shirt Meh. He’s another centrist. Can’t even take a hard stance in favor of universal healthcare. Melanie Yvonne Universal healthcare is definitely what we all want but unrealistic until Dems take the Senate.

Puig my friend Yasiel Puig shirt

Puig my friend Yasiel Puig shirt Buy it: Puig my friend Yasiel Puig shirt From: Shop trending shirt Patrick Lawless You do know the Puig my friend Yasiel Puig shirt cost you and me $1Trillion! That’s $1 Trillion added to the federal deficit! Your great grandchildren will be paying for this as our infrastructure crumbles, education and healthcare suffers! Puig my friend Yasiel Puig shirt You know they are already talking about raising the retirement age again! Have you told your children that they will have to work until age 67 and that Medicare only pays for 80% of your costs whole you pay the balance and that your social security is reduced if you get on Medicare!

The Riverbottom Nightmare music band shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  The Riverbottom Nightmare music band shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t This man has done nothing good for this Country. Thank you CNN for keeping us posted on the nonsense coming out of the People’s House. It is truly shocking and appalling. I fear for my country Mattie worked for him and knew  The Riverbottom Nightmare music band shirt  or should have known long ago trump was owned by a foreign power. He is jumping ship too late in the game to avoid indictment. Sad but just. Mattie knew that Trump was working for his authoritarian master Putin, and Mattie would rather work for a president who was working for America. So he told that dictator wannabe where to go, with the most eloquently worded double finger salute ever.

Notrorious BIG gimme the lute shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Notrorious BIG gimme the lute shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t They are against anything and anybody for Trump. Unless it suits their needs at the moment. Calm down, if you watch real news he is staying on for another 2 months until the president finds someone else, you have to actually watch other media networks to get the truth and that’s the truth. Leaving the field of battle with your allies in harms way, sounds like we have a  Notrorious BIG gimme the lute shirt   in chief in charge. How can America ever be trusted again, or ask for help when we are attacked, like on 9 11, when these same allies jumped in to help us without hesitation. What if they hesitate next time because they know we deserted them in the field the last time they helped us.

A.Tsoukalos I’m not Saying It Was Aliens shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  A.Tsoukalos I’m not Saying It Was Aliens shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t It makes me sick to see people applauding for a wall to be built to keep people from seeking a better life. God have mercy and destroy their offenses and the ones that offend them. Would you like to live in a country where you will get excellent universal health care, low crime, cheaper housing and one of the longest life expectancy on the planet. Come to Spain. We can help you realize this dream. How. Through the retirement resident visa in Spain which involves having a  A.Tsoukalos I’m not Saying It Was Aliens shirt  of 25560 euro a year or more and 6390 for each additional family member. We will help you every step of the way from the hotel where you first stay, the apartment you rent or buy, finalizing your residence card a...

Shark Shuh Duh Fuh Cup Doo shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Shark Shuh Duh Fuh Cup Doo shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Stability in the trump administration, that’s a new one. Nancy we know there is something wrong with this picture, have known it from the day 45 won. If one can’t read the writing on the wall then one is illiterate. Its time to act on removing Trump from office. America has become a joke in the world. Foreign leaders don’t respect Trump and know that Trump is mentally incompetent. I guess Mr Mattie was the last decent person in the old bones spurs thug trump white house. Now the old fret just have a  Shark Shuh Duh Fuh Cup Doo shirt  thug running around in the mad mad white house. Mattie calls it retiring. We don’t want wars in the middle east anymore, Trump was elected to end middle east wars, build a wall and drain the DC swamp.

F-Bomb nurse I sprinkle that shit like confetti shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  F-Bomb nurse I sprinkle that shit like confetti shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Snap out of it, and please, please, stop with the political games and get it together. All of you. Even the adults in the room put up the mildest resistance against trump just like the GOP. The defiant one was McCain, and he’s passed on. He is willing to shut it down, who is he actually looking out for. Vote out trump and the  F-Bomb nurse I sprinkle that shit like confetti shirt  , drain this swamp on steroids. Trump has shown himself to be the Christmas Scrooge. He gave the world a Christmas we’ll never forget. I have no merry Christmas wish for him. But I do have a prayer for him. Anyone who love America, intelligent and do not want to be part of the misrepresentation and chaos will resign. Why would any normal human...

Dad I will always be your little girl shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Dad I will always be your little girl shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Military is down, economy is down, what is next is some kind of cataclysmic weather related event so Trump can feel the pressure. God help us all. God bless America and all its allies. I’m amazed these people want us to keep troops deployed in areas where they will not affect change. I’d except they’d be clamoring for our troops to come home. Well hell you wanted the  Dad I will always be your little girl shirt   before too. And every single president has preached about building the wall. So why is different now that Trumps is wanting it. Nancy, lighten your load, two hours before this you and your pocket boy Chuckle thought General Mattie was a failure simply for supporting the President.

Anthony Bourdain Portrail shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Anthony Bourdain Portrail shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t We can’t take two more years of this criminal family running the country. We should move to impeachment at once. Trump says Mattie is retiring. He is not. He is already retired military and has not worked for fed long enough to retire from fed. Plain and simple  Anthony Bourdain Portrail shirt  , Mattie quit because trump essentially said screw you I will do it my way at any risk. Its all political for the Dem. They don’t give a damn about Americans. They don’t want Trump to protect us. Mattie is a military man, his country before anything even Donald. Good for him, for standing up for his believes and not being manipulated. Thank you for your service.

Asshole Shark Doo Doo Doo shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Asshole Shark Doo Doo Doo shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t God help us all I don’t see America being great after this administration is through with it. She needs to go knit her great grandchildren some socks and leave politics to others. Schemer would make a great car salesman. I never supported Obama for pulling out early and I don’t support Trump for doing the same. This emboldens these Terrorists and make  Asshole Shark Doo Doo Doo shirt  a lot easier. A sad day when a great soldier like Mattie has to quit to stand up for what is right. General Mathis was the only adult behind the president who’s supposed to discuss his ideas w people he’s chosen, those with more experience in matters, before announcing to the world, Hey, Ho, we’re pulling out of Syria.

Hold my beer I got to pet a cat sunset shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Hold my beer I got to pet a cat sunset shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Trump is anti American even as he says make America great again his actions say make Russia great again. OK well stop being shaken and start being a leader or get out of the way so that someone else can take your place. Perhaps if you’d spent less time being shaken by the defeat of your poster girl for the last two years and spent more time effectively leading your party and working within the system of checks and balances that you were elected to participate in, we wouldn’t have a  Hold my beer I got to pet a cat sunset shirt  sitting in the White House who treats the Constitution like a Chinese restaurant menu with no accountability to his own party much less the American people.

I’m not the black sheep I’m the tie dyed one shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  I’m not the black sheep I’m the tie dyed one shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Our retired generation rely on inadequate state pensions, their thanks for working hard. Things need to change. And don’t even get me started on the Me too movement. Do you think we don’t see what is happening. He is trying his best to have that  I’m not the black sheep I’m the tie dyed one shirt  , but not one cooperate even from these Republicans in name only at the Senate and Congress. We know them and we will have our revenge in 2020. To you CNN, It is sad because you are a news media and well respected before, but you sided with one party instead of being neutral. In fact you are not hiding anymore your bias and you have become the mouthpiece of the left. If not of all these, you would have been one of the most respect...

Obsessive chicken disorder sunset shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Obsessive chicken disorder sunset shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Finally, to bring somebody with such heavy bags into the White House, has created enormous changes in US, affected the allies and the world in general, in a more insecure direction. What do you gain criticizing him through out u life. I see this CNN is a political party Democrats. A good  Obsessive chicken disorder sunset shirt   is not supposed to be biased in reporting. You are pansies. You raised the cost of living so high that both parents are always at work, rather than spending time with their children single parents stand no chance. You took God out of schools. Parents were told No you can’t discipline your kids.

Saintsman New Orleans Saints Aquaman shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Saintsman New Orleans Saints Aquaman shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t The last two years US and the world have noticed an US president making decisions for the sake of Putin, which alone has made an more insecure world. In fact Trumps moves are not political motivated, but rather private. There is no genuine reason for Trump to offer Putin an penthouse on the top of a hotel in Moscow with only reason to get  Saintsman New Orleans Saints Aquaman shirt to build an hotel. The main reason for offer Putin such penthouse could actually be that Putin knows he can leak compromising private situations, which has destroys many people, because of their DNA for generations. For Underdog to stop attacking Saudi Arabia prince for ordering the murder of an Saudi WP contribute journalist, Trump has probably compromised ...

Here comes Snoopy Claus right down Snoopy Claus lane Christmas Sweatshirt

Here comes Snoopy Claus right down Snoopy Claus lane Christmas Sweatshirt Buy it: Here comes Snoopy Claus right down Snoopy Claus lane Christmas Sweatshirt From: Shop trending shirt Boy, CNN is trying to suppress free speech or something is happening with FB, because CNN’s comment section is missing most of its commenters post! CNN has so many Drs for commentators.. They can tell you what the letter says between the Here comes Snoopy Claus right down Snoopy Claus lane Christmas Sweatshirt … lol Here comes Snoopy Claus right down Snoopy Claus lane Christmas Sweatshirt Good Luck. Mr Mattis go now before Trump send you to an early grave. Trump has gone back to his childhood and there is nothing anybody can do about it. Once a man twice a child. Everybody we have to just cross our finger and pray for the best.

I love slamming desk jamming to papa roach and doing sick af flips on shirt

I love slamming desk jamming to papa roach and doing sick af flips on shirt Buy it: I love slamming desk jamming to papa roach and doing sick af flips on shirt From: Shop trending shirt Is there a part 2 to this letter bc Mattis forgot to add the part of “it’s been my privilege and honor to serve you as the I love slamming desk jamming to papa roach and doing sick af flips on shirt and Chief”…just odd he didn’t praise Trump at all. Wait wait…this is a prank right? Mattis is non-partisan…this should concern us all. I love slamming desk jamming to papa roach and doing sick af flips on shirt Yes and amazingly Trump has been the most effective president in decades; somehow he’s doing things that are truly helping the country and this is coming from a former NEVER TRUMPER!

For life Roman Reigns shirt

For life Roman Reigns shirt Buy it: For life Roman Reigns shirt From: Shop trending shirt I stole this from someone on another post (sorry I can’t find who to credit), but it’s true: As of right now the For life Roman Reigns shirt , no one is sure who’s running the Departmentof Justice, the stock market is crashing, and the federal government is on the verge of being shut down entirely. For life Roman Reigns shirt Trump proved that he is always right . Why not now ? Isis is in the run let the Syrians and Russia deal with what is left of them . Obama was the one that let Isis grow and let them take control of almost half of Syria and Iraq . In two years Trump destroyed them so stop criticizing the president he is doing a great job

Totoro In a world where you can be anything be kind shirt

Totoro In a world where you can be anything be kind shirt Buy it: Totoro In a world where you can be anything be kind shirt From: Shop trending shirt I wish there was a way before even the Totoro In a world where you can be anything be kind shirt the congress could suspend him from his duties as president pending the completion the investigation. After all the people who he ordered to do those dirty deeds are going to prison. So he’s basically a felon. Totoro In a world where you can be anything be kind shirt Now regarding American Forces around the world fighting Terrorism spreading Democracy , promising to help local forces and local citizens to eliminate ISIS and many other radical insurgents only to cut and run, leaving them to defend themselves after years of hardship. now let’s say in the future, when American Forces are called upon to Enter another country offering help, do you think that they will be believed, trusted or taken seriously?

Leave me alone Raikkonen I know what I’m doing shirt

Leave me alone Raikkonen I know what I’m doing shirt Buy it: Leave me alone Raikkonen I know what I’m doing shirt From: Shop trending shirt Not related to the topic at hand. But sure… what was the outcome of that… please, share with the Leave me alone Raikkonen I know what I’m doing shirt the thing that the dailycaller will not. And that is what I thought. You are a trumpturd, which means you are a liar and a coward. Leave me alone Raikkonen I know what I’m doing shirt Every day I’m frightened more for our country, Congress do your job. Trump is a loose cannon we cannot afford and sacrifice our country and democracy. Stop the madness! There’s no such thing as Trumpism. Sheesh.

Be nice to the Caregiver Santa is watching Christmas shirt

Be nice to the Caregiver Santa is watching Christmas shirt Buy it: Be nice to the Caregiver Santa is watching Christmas shirt From: Shop trending shirt The Be nice to the Caregiver Santa is watching Christmas shirt two to drop will be Sarah Huckabee Sanders & Kelly Ann Conway. They cover their spa days & wardrobe stipend too much. A hollow soul has to have the pretty things in life above all else. Be nice to the Caregiver Santa is watching Christmas shirt Season 1 was bad but S2 has come off the rails. All the decent supporting cast has left, none of the current storylines connect to their original set up, and none of the main characters are remotely believable anymore. I hope they cancel this drama in the middle of S3.

I try to be good but I take after my uncle shirt

I try to be good but I take after my uncle shirt Buy it: I try to be good but I take after my uncle shirt From: Shop trending shirt I have seen cases of elderly people attacked for no reason by illegals crossing, One was an old man in a wheelchair, the I try to be good but I take after my uncle shirt pelted him with rocks every night, When he finally tried to defend himself, they sued him!!! I try to be good but I take after my uncle shirt care to tell me who else fixed things? bad trade deals , tariffs that lost millions of jobs here,, Trump does listen to high up military , everyday in fact, he phones them to talk to them,, and he gets to them what they need,, what about border protection?

Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff Workin’ my puff into tuff shirt

Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff Workin’ my puff into tuff shirt Buy it: Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff Workin’ my puff into tuff shirt From: Shop trending shirt did you not know that drug cartels often dress up as mexican military and shoot up border towns? did you not know that the Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff Workin’ my puff into tuff shirt , Yeah, not in news here, but Mexico does keep digging up mass graves and finds them, Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff Workin’ my puff into tuff shirt A big case was 2 medical students, Only reason it made any news here was due to the one mother who really fought to get it into the news,, They found their bodies a number of years later in a mass grave,

OCD obsessions crocheting disorder shirt

OCD obsessions crocheting disorder shirt Buy it: OCD obsessions crocheting disorder shirt From: Shop trending shirt My God, trump is killing our beautiful country and putting us in extreme danger and his totally insane “base” is doing a Gofund me page. Let’s be very clear…the OCD obsessions crocheting disorder shirt villains are Mr. & Mrs base, period OCD obsessions crocheting disorder shirt I have massively researched border issues since 1986, Hubby has been manufacturing right across that border since 1996, I have to question you as to why you do not support protecting our citizens down there or anywhere else in the country,

Only Judy can judge me shirt

Only Judy can judge me shirt Buy it: Only Judy can judge me shirt From: Shop trending shirt we have a standing person for the Only Judy can judge me shirt general, that is no problem,, we also have a chief of staff now,, there will be a replacement for Mattis, already in the works And this doesn’t include the russia investigation and all that is following in Feb. Only Judy can judge me shirt we have a standing person for the attorney general, that is no problem,, we also have a chief of staff now,, there will be a replacement for Mattis, already in the works Is that the Russian memo today?

Jack Skellington I speak fluent Sarcasm shirt

Jack Skellington I speak fluent Sarcasm shirt Buy it: Jack Skellington I speak fluent Sarcasm shirt From: Shop trending shirt we have family very high up in military and they agree with Trump, Trump does speak with the Jack Skellington I speak fluent Sarcasm shirt often and listens and gets to them what they want, We still have people in Iraq, and most strikes today are from far away, We can easily put them back in if need be, Jack Skellington I speak fluent Sarcasm shirt I stole this from someone on another post (sorry I can’t find who to credit), but it’s true: As of right now the United States has no Secretary of Defense, no White House Chief of Staff, no Attorney General, no one is sure who’s running the Department of Justice, the stock market is crashing, and the federal government is on the verge of being shut down entirely.

Obi Wan Kenobi something is waiting in the bushes of love shirt

Obi Wan Kenobi something is waiting in the bushes of love shirt Buy it: Obi Wan Kenobi something is waiting in the bushes of love shirt From: Shop trending shirt The Reality Show nightmare an chaos continuous in America. Soon everybody has left the moron in the Obi Wan Kenobi something is waiting in the bushes of love shirt , hand over Syria to Russia and go golfing. And there are still some people in the Trump sect who are supporting this fake disaster. Can´t they see, hear, read, think or understand anything. Obi Wan Kenobi something is waiting in the bushes of love shirt Its his retaliation against the u.s for backing out of his special interest with mbs and saudi investments into his realestate.. Is clearly a conspiracy against the interest of the u.s. get the fucker out the white house

For Frolf Players May The Course Be With You shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  For Frolf Players May The Course Be With You shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t I spoke on this a moment ago about how any foreign country, that own medias, troll factories or anything that is the equivalent of Cambridge Analytics , they use  For Frolf Players May The Course Be With You shirt  on social media and on their own websites. Another thing I just remembered right now amidst sharing that , was that: how many companies again were allowing Cambridge Analytics and its brother companies like Google, Facebook and any other heavy traffic social media outlet. And they still to this day are breaking the law by extensive measures per world country that have vouch for transparency and privacy for citizens.

Save a pitbull euthanize a dog fighter shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Save a pitbull euthanize a dog fighter shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t All along, you were an unregistered agent of a foreign country while serving as the National Security Advisory to the President of the United States. That undermines everything this flag over here stands for. Arguably you sold your country out. You media should explain to people what u mean by collusion don’t confused the masses with  Save a pitbull euthanize a dog fighter shirt  . somebody can give you idea how to do things is a form of advise. so stop this grimmer collusion. I have a professor like this. She’s made my whole semester a nightmare. She’s never done her job but feels entitled and has bullied me and hurt my grade and even changed it.

Rick and Morty I’m Pikarick shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Rick and Morty I’m Pikarick shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Despite themselves. Trumps actually accomplishing things that matter to the American people. Obama couldn’t seem to pass anything that bettered the lives of all Americans. Actually, he didn’t. Not one damn thing. No thanks to CNN and the idiot left making  Rick and Morty I’m Pikarick shirt  of Kaye West and Kim Guardianship for sitting down and having an adult conversation about this issue. Rand Paul has also been pushing for it. You got a problem with him going to his resort. He deserves the rest for all the hard work he’s doing plus it’s Christmas. Contraction trying to change somethings because he is going to have orange Jump Suit soon enough.

In case of accident my blood type is Dr.Pepper shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  In case of accident my blood type is Dr.Pepper shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Van Jones has given Trump some of the credit on this landmark bill. Also credit to Jared Lushness for spearheading this initiative. Lemon tried to interject some criticism on Trump. But Jones shot him down. Kudos to Jones. Don’t trust the United States Navy when it comes to medical for our children Medical on the USS Ronald Reagan sucks my daughter became sick they refused to give her  In case of accident my blood type is Dr.Pepper shirt  my daughter died because of this they are trying their best to cover this up this will not be a cover up. So I guess as I try and summarize what I’ve heard today,Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information more than a hundred times. She made false statements about it.

Grinch I don’t have attitude I’ve got personality you can’t handle Thug life shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Grinch I don’t have attitude I’ve got personality you can’t handle Thug life shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t This is why the would will never change. Don Lemon made a good point. But 20 30 years later now it’s common ground. It’s a good political move by Congress. Citizens on both sides of the fence will feel relieved when it’s in full effect. They need just the  Grinch I don’t have attitude I’ve got personality you can’t handle Thug life shirt  kind of reform in Chicago and the country, over 1000 shot in Chicago many died, they should be tried and put to death within 48 hours. So much violence here, mayor made it a sanctuary city too. We need more workers in the streets than in the big house. I can see that the only reason they did this is to fill menial jobs that a tough on immigration policy cla...

Dragon it’s not my fault you thought I was normal that’s on you shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Dragon it’s not my fault you thought I was normal that’s on you shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t Oh and this judge was picked by Reagan. Deplorably are making the comment section resemble the Sean Humanity Centipede. Look , Bots; If CNN wanted Dragon it’s not my fault you thought I was normal that’s on you shirt  to reach you They’d make a meme or at least ask you what’s your favor it flavor of crayon. With all that is going on in the world CNN is still focused on Russia, a story that hasn’t gone anywhere and isn’t going to. It isn’t going to get President Trump impeached and it isn’t going to turn us against him. Its wasted time. With all that is going on in the world CNN is still focused on Russia, a story that hasn’t gone anywhere and isn’t going to.

Douglas father sunrise shirt

This is the official design. Available for T-shirt, hoodie, sweater, tank top, long sleeve and v-neck T-shirt for men and women. >> You can buy here:  Douglas father sunrise shirt From:  Shop Trending shir t If doing business is Russia is against the law than Hillary has broken yet another law as well as many others. He didn’t brake any laws and CNN is twisting the truth lick they have done from the start. But the big question is when does Trump get the  Douglas father sunrise shirt  of Education to require all localities receiving any Federal funds for education to teach Russian to everyone in grades K thru 12. BTW. Is that signed document for real. Or is that even relevant to the first question. No Dave it isn’t, but most any American knows that Russia is not a friend of the US, and moreover, the President of the US is not to be involved in his own business while serving as a US President.